Reservation & Cancellation Policy FAQs

+ How do I cancel a booking?

Head over to "Login | Register" and sign-in to your account. You may cancel your classes under "My Events". Credits will automatically be refunded to your account upon cancellation, provided it was done more than 3 hours prior to the class (early cancel window).

+ Is there a cancellation fee?

You can cancel your class booking for up to 3 hours before your class starts. If a class cancellation is performed less than 3 hours prior to the class (late cancel window), your credit will be forfeited. For Unlimited Package holders, you will be charged a Late Cancellation Fee of RM 15.

If you are unable to cancel the class within the early cancel window, please still proceed to cancel the class in the online booking system. This will allow your spot to be available to others. No Show Fee still applies.

The above applies to both in-studio and livestream classes.

+ What happens if I don’t turn up, or if I cancel my spot less than 3 hours prior to a class?

If you have a monthly package with us, your credit will be forfeited. For members with an Intro Offer or Unlimited Package, a No Show fee of RM20 will be charged if you do not turn up for a booked class. This fee will be automatically charged to your saved credit card, and would need to be paid prior to you joining your next class. The above applies to both in-studio and livestream classes.

+ What if it is an emergency?

We understand that life happens. Do give us a medical certificate or a photo evidence in order for us to refund your credit.

+ I have an active Unlimited Package with Nafas Yoga. Am I able to freeze my package for a duration of time that I'm away for certain reasons?

Absolutely. We are able to freeze your Unlimited Packages for reasons such as work travel, long holidays, maternity and medical leave. Simply drop in to our studio or give us a call and we can help sort it out for you :)

Kindly take note that all packages sold online and in-studio (including events, masterclasses and workshops) are strictly non-refundable and non-transferable.